Sunday, July 29, 2012


My sister found these pants at a thrift store in Colorado. Aren't they awesome?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Here's my homecoming dress. Although I doubt anyone really cares about what I wore

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Glorieta, New Mexico-

   I went to a camp in Glorieta, New Mexico where we served as friends to kids and shared our faith with them. It was so exciting to meet new people and make friends. The kids were so great at soccer and so fun to hang out with. Here is one photo of another member of our group with a boy named Christian.
Glorieta is so pretty and the weather was amazing. So much better then back home.
 On our way back we stopped at a car graveyard. The front of the cars were submerged into the ground, covered in graffiti. (The picture isn't the best, sorry for that)

homemade decorations

A while back we made these fun decorations to share with you!
 Add a little salt, flour, and water. Mold into your favorite shape. Put in the oven for the finishing product!
To make these crafty decorations. Poke a hole in them to hang or make a necklace. Those are just some that we made for fun.
